Become A PTA Member
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Family Members,
Welcome to Stratford Road Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year! Our goal is to provide wonderful programs for our children in the safest way possible.
We are currently conducting our annual PTA membership drive, and we need your help to provide enriching and exciting school experiences for our children. Your financial support of $10 per individual helps us to offer a variety of cultural arts programs. This money also supports state and federal organizations that voice our concerns to our legislative representatives.
We would love to have you as PTA members. Please visit our online PTA membership page to enter your information and pay your dues:
Anyone considering being involved as a class parent, chaperoning a class trip, voting at a PTA meeting, or being on/chairing a committee is REQUIRED to be a 2024-2025 member of the SR PTA. Even if you cannot participate in any of these roles, your membership still makes a difference! We strongly encourage more than one family member to join (e.g., mother, father, step-parent, guardian, grandparent, etc.).
Help make a difference in our children’s education and support the Stratford Road PTA by joining today.
Thank you!
The Stratford Road PTA​​
Jennifer Katzman Lauren Finelli & Veronika Freundlich
Vice President, Membership SR PTA Co-Presidents